By Doddy555
United Kingdom
hi mageth this is closer one, i really thought they were weeds lol, anyone know what they are please
19 Jun, 2010
ha ha wheres it gone lol will put it with my other pic lol, what am i like !!!
19 Jun, 2010
It had yellow flowers didnt it? It was there an hour ago. I think it's Lysmachia.
19 Jun, 2010
thanks heidib
19 Jun, 2010
I agree - it looks like Lysimachia punctata. It's not a weed, but it does spread, so you need to keep it under control by digging some out each year.
20 Jun, 2010
I love mine and as Spritz said it needs to be controlled but its quite an easy one for this.
20 Jun, 2010
thanks :) drc726
20 Jun, 2010
sorry Doddy, cant see the photo
19 Jun, 2010