By Martin86
We have a lot of geraniums in pots in our garden. Some are climbing and some the ordinary sort. We live on the Isle of Wight and are about to go away next week for 5 weeks until the 6th November. We take them all in every winter to a cool outhouse which is frost free. Should we take them in before we go in case there is frost? Any advice appreciated. Thank you. Martin
24 Sep, 2014
I wouldn't - geraniums tolerate up to -10 degrees C for short periods. It's not the cold that kills them in the UK, its the damp, or the combination of the two, so if you can put them under shelter somewhere out of the rain until you get back, they should be fine. If there's nowhere that keeps the rain off, then you might just have to bring them inside.
24 Sep, 2014