By Melchisedec
United Kingdom
iOS 8
This is not a gardening question. I recently used the iPad successfully when uploading photos to Growsonyou. Having upgraded to iOS 8, I seem to be having problems. Has anyone else tried yet?
24 Sep, 2014
I use my iPad for looking on the net and I updated last week. Sometimes wish I had not but things will sort themselves out.
Now let me see if I can upload a picture.
24 Sep, 2014
no....didn't seem to work.....there seems no where you can load a picture......Any computer buffs out there?
24 Sep, 2014
Smilies are great - I have used three already! But oh dear ? - the prompt "use existing" for photos doesn't work. I hope this is solved soon. I have noticed that a few sites do not seem to have been prepared for the iOS 8 release. Oh well - I suppose it's back to the old laptop! Not good, though.
24 Sep, 2014
I am far from expert but is there not a way to uninstal the update?
Try asking Google how to do it, that generally points you in the right direction ☺
I've just found the smiles on my phone, shows how much I know really ☺
24 Sep, 2014
I daresay I could. I'm not unhappy with iOS 8, it's just annoying, really. I can revert to using my camera and upload from the laptop. It's just that I've got used to using the iPad much quicker than I expected to, so I'm a bit disappointed that uploading photos has just got more cumbersome again! But hey ho - it's not much of a problem in the grand scheme if things, is it? And I still have the smilies!
24 Sep, 2014
I do believe that once apple updates are installed you cannot reverse.....or if you can it is a complicated proceedure. I think, in future, I will leave any updates to let them iron out any difficulities first before I install.
25 Sep, 2014
My desk top and lap top works no problem. :o)
25 Sep, 2014
I think that's very wise, John. But I was using my PC perfectly happily before, so I'll just return to that for blogs and photos. It's true that Apple remove previous versions very quickly. I don't want to uninstall. I expect everything will settle down eventually!
My current difficulty is with an iPad, Myron. Never mind, it's a very 21st Century problem to have!
25 Sep, 2014
iOS8 isn't a problem in itself - it just has new little twists that take time to get used to (it's not so long since we were all cursing iOS7!). There's a predictive text feature now which after less than a day is driving me nuts but some people will find it helpful, no doubt. And the screen zoom seems to adjust its size randomly as you touch the screen. This time next week everything will seem normal because I will have forgotten today..... Now what did I come here for?
Just been trying to find a small size photo to upload and a wonderful message comes up "iPhoto is not supported by iOS8". Now that's the sort of Windows update problem we 'proper' Apple users usually laugh about.
25 Sep, 2014
iOs8 is fine. I am on a very steep learning curve at the moment. I received an iPad from OH for my recent birthday, so I wasn't used to iOS7. I was delighted to find I could take photos and upload them using just one device - it was faster, easier and less cumbersome than using a camera and PC. I hope it will be possible once again before too long.
I am also trying to get to grips with Windows 8 on a new laptop!
25 Sep, 2014
What's iOS7, is that an upgrade for Windows 5? I think I've missed out on something here. LOL.
25 Sep, 2014
iOS is the iPad/iPhone operating system which has just been updated from version 7 to version 8.
26 Sep, 2014
Goodness! last time I installed Windows it came on a floppy disc. I've now been told that it comes on a DC disc or something like that.
26 Sep, 2014
wouldn't know about that - i spend 8 hours a day at work cursing windows. when I get home I want something that works - so I buy Macs
26 Sep, 2014
If it works, Myron, if it works...!
I've only just moved on from my Windows XP. It was a "cast off" from my son-in-law. It is all of 10 years old - "out of the ark" he informs me. I dread to think how he must think of me!
Sooner or later, I curse everything. I expect it's my fault ...
26 Sep, 2014
Hey! Don't worry about it. I have a bath in a tin bath in front of the fire. Someone once told me that they have baths now that connect to the water pipes. They even told me that they you can warm this water up first from a tank or something. Yeah.
26 Sep, 2014
You should try it, Myron - it's amazing! ? lol!
27 Sep, 2014
Haven't tried photos yet - too busy trying to get all my settings back to where they were. But oh look we now have smilies?
24 Sep, 2014