New Lawn for nothing?
By Lawnpanda
County Down,
United Kingdom
Iput down some turf this spring and not too long afterwards we had a time of really heavy rain and the ground took a long time to dry out. Ours is a clay soil. Now the soil is firmer but there are a few bare patches and areas where the grass seems to have dried up. These straw-like areas are certainly not dead as new growth is coming from them. However what it means is the first 4cm of thegrass is yellow with green shoots growing from these yellowed patches so when I give it a mow I'm mowing it back to yellow. Does any of that make sense? How can I restore the grass to its green self? We have such a tiny garden and we really do want it to work.
23 Jul, 2008
We also laid turf this spring and had a similar problem especially when I cut the grass first time and gathered up some new turf in the mower! Depending on the type of mower, you could set your blades higher or in the caseof a hover type, set the wheels lower so that less lawn was cut off. I found this helped with my patchy bit and also you could sprinkle a handful of compost over the yellow patches giving the grass something to grow into.
Hope this helps a bit.
23 Jul, 2008