By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Is anybody struggling with very long waiting lists for an allotment where they are we are looking at a least a 7/10 year wait in our area
20 Jun, 2010
In my part of London, about five years ago, they split the plots into half plots (compared to the old sizes) so they could get more people off the waiting lists, but the lists are still full, its so popular now. On the other hand, many people accept one and then give it up within a year because they realise its more work than they thought it would be, so the waiting list is often not as bad as it seems.
20 Jun, 2010
The plot behind my Mums back garden, which was my Dads many moons ago, has been abandoned by the current tenant and I've had to strim the long grass, weeds etc. to keep it from growing into her garden ! I've e-mailed and phoned the local Council, they will look into it, and pigs might fly I think !
Makes me cross when so many would love that plot. : o (((
20 Jun, 2010
I read just this weekend that local councils are obliged to provide land if you get half a dozen people together making the same request. They would have to make unused land available if there was demand. It did make a good point about the need for easy access to water and power so just the plot in the middle of nowhere is not going to work. Of course, I can't find the article anywhere to give more details - sorry !! If I find it I will add to this question.
20 Jun, 2010
Hi Steve,
Try looking at this, it may be of some help:
Do hope you are successful in your search, it must be very disappointing to have to wait so long. What part of the UK are you in?
20 Jun, 2010