By Doddy555
United Kingdom
have lots of spaiders in my garden is that good or not ??
20 Jun, 2010
Good. They are predators and eat a lot of insect (depending on species) pests. A few have other arthropod tastes such as Woodlice but mostly insect prey.
Are you referring to web builders or the type that run about. Wolf spiders will be carrying their egg sacks on their back about now and like to sit in the sun. They are fascinating little creatures and nothing to be scared of.
20 Jun, 2010
right thanks for that, not looked at them closley,lol,,, but as long as they are doing good and not harm, god so much to learn , loveing it :o)
20 Jun, 2010
Just watch out for black widows and brown recluse! Otherwise, very good.
21 Jun, 2010
Not native to UK Tugb.
21 Jun, 2010
A general rule of thumb for gardeners is, if it moves rapidly, it's GOOD. If it sits there not moving or crawls slowly over the leaves, it's BAD.
21 Jun, 2010
Have you seen the speed snails can gallop along at Bertie? But I agree it is a good general rule.
21 Jun, 2010
thanks for replys , they run well fast ,
21 Jun, 2010
Thank you,also, MG. I didn't know that. I hope you don't have equivalents.
21 Jun, 2010
We don't. I must say, when I was in my early teens I coersed a native Zebra Spider (Salticus zebrinus, one of our native Jumping Spiders) with my hands into a Hammock Web Spiders web (Theriidiae). Really cruel and I hate the thought of it now as the Zebra Spider didn't want to go in that direction. It knew what was in front of it. The Hammock web Spider shot out and bit the Zebra on one of its legs in lightening speed. The Zebra having excellent eyesight saw its approach and raised its front legs in defence but too late. It went into a spasm. Shocked I tried to dissentangle it from the edge of the web and it actually bit me. I jumped with the shock! Serves me right. I reget it to this day :-(
21 Jun, 2010
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Good! spiders eat insect pests.
20 Jun, 2010