United Kingdom
is there a plant i can purchase to keep mosqutoes away
21 Jun, 2010
Not that I am aware of either...
21 Jun, 2010
Nice idea guest. I don't know of one either.
21 Jun, 2010
this is what i found
catnip, marigolds and rosemary! who'd have thought!!?
21 Jun, 2010
Hmmm, I suspected when they say that Rosmary is a tropical plant and wont survive the winter that the info is a little suspect.
The piece ends with saying that there are two scools of thought, some people doubt the effectiveness of these plants (remember that the active ingredients has to be released from these plants by bruising them) and others that think they work. I'm with the former. I don't think I will be smacking my Rosemary everytime I see or hear a Midge approaching me.
Thanks for lookin Heidi anyway.
21 Jun, 2010
I'm with Fractal on this even citronella candles don't really work against the little blighters.
22 Jun, 2010
Schools, not scools :-)
22 Jun, 2010
Moon grower, i buy citronella essential oil and this is particularly good - although the smell's disgusting.
It's also used on the tips of horses ears to keep flies away.
Essential oils are always used v v v v sparingly. (in all contexts)
22 Jun, 2010
marigolds and rosemary?! I've grown those for years, never noticed any decline in the mossie problem. Best solution is lighting up a ciggie - they don't like cigarette smoke, but probably not a good reason to start smoking, lol!
22 Jun, 2010
I knew of someone who saw several of their friends suffer various health problems after giving up smoking and vowed never to after that !!!
22 Jun, 2010
Just don't use essential oils on or near cats... which is why we will not use citronella essential oil. Even in the garden it distresses the cats.
22 Jun, 2010
Wow, really, i've not heard of it distressing cats - that's bad.
I rarely buy the stuff these days, primarily because i 'loathe' the smell but used to take it with me on holidays all the time and use a tiny dab if i 'really' was desperate.
23 Jun, 2010
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Not that I'm aware of - I shall be watching the answers on this one with interest.
21 Jun, 2010