By Ceregan
United Kingdom
My daughter and I bought our geraniums from the same market,red white and pink.They were magnificent. Now mine are all full of rust , hers are clear.I live near Wembley she lives near Heathrow.will I have to destroy all of mine and the compost. I usually like to keep some each year to over winter, in the cold green house.
What will I do? I never had 30 geraniums with rust (on the under leaves) in 50 years of gardening,please advise
5 Oct, 2014
But why are my geraniums so badly affected and my daughters clear when we bought them from the same market trader, same day same batch.
Many thanks
6 Oct, 2014
Rust spores are carried in the wind, so it is a matter of luck if your plants get it or not, so nothing to do where you bought them.
6 Oct, 2014
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I looked at the RHS site and I'm afraid their advice is to destroy the plants if they're badly affected. What a shame. :-(
6 Oct, 2014