By Inaara
United Kingdom
Please can anyone advise me how l can tell the difference between an outdoor Cyclamen and an indoor plant. I have three that I have been given to me and I don't know where to place them.
6 Oct, 2014
The traditional test is to plant them in the garden. If they survive the winter then they are outdoor cyclamen; if the cold kills them then they were indoor cyclamen.
If this doesn't appeal then go by Bamboo's guidance.
6 Oct, 2014
Google C. persicum if your cyclamen look like that then they are not the hardy C comb and herderifolium or any of the other hardy species cyclamen. As Bamboo says if they are bog plants in big pots they are likely to be C. persicumb which won't survive any frost keep indoors but somewhere cool.
Thinking about it another way to know is if the flowers are perfumed that is a sign of C. persicumb
6 Oct, 2014
Some of my out door ones are perfumed mg the pale pink in particular, but non of my hederfolium ones are perfumed.
The ones sold now as winter basket /bedding tend to be hardy to -5 their leaves are about the size of a 10p coin.
if you have already bought them try putting a picture up of them with a ruler or coin next to them so we can get some idea of scale.
7 Oct, 2014
Thank you everyone you have been most helpful.
8 Oct, 2014
Indoor cyclamens are much larger plants - bigger leaves, taller and wider all over, larger flowers, longer stems, usually not in very small pots when sold. There are permanent outdoor ones usually bought as bulbs or corms, and then there are the small, bedding types being sold at this time of year, usually around 6-8 inches tall.
6 Oct, 2014