By Williammagee
United Kingdom
I may need to shift two very old rose bushes which have grown up the front of my house since the early 20th century. The house is to be rebuilt but I would like to save the bushes. They are in full bloom at the moment and the rebuild may start before the end of July. Can anyone tell me what to do?
21 Jun, 2010
Is it better to leave till the dormant season Fractal?
22 Jun, 2010
i dont think they have till the dormant stage drc726 . i hope your well mate .
22 Jun, 2010
Wow, big project, hope it goes well.
The best you can do it cut really hard back into old wood. Seems severe but they will thank you later. Take as big a root ball as possible when you move and when you replant, add some Mycrorrhizal pellets (either rootgrow or start). These will really help your plants get going again. A good soak every fortnight until new growth starts will help. No more than that though. They can't take up water quickly enough until in full leaf.
21 Jun, 2010