By Doddy555
United Kingdom
hi is there only few people that put layout of their gardens in there pics, most i have looked at are of plants ect really nice pics, but i love seeing the whole thing, ???
21 Jun, 2010
whats that a member on here are a differant site? :o)
21 Jun, 2010
doing some work in the garden at the moment but should hopefully be posting some photos of whole garden soon, i have a photo of the one side of my border and another one of two pots where you can see the shape of the garden in the background. We have recently reshaped the whole garden like a figure 8 (garden approx 40ft long by 30 ft wide including patio (must measure it) still have lots of planting to do and a bit more turf to get up but hopefully posting some picks soon!
21 Jun, 2010
On Here
21 Jun, 2010
Might sound a silly question, but do you realise there are more than one page of photos, some have as many as 20 pages of photos, usually ones of the whole garden you may be able to find on the earlier pages of photos!
21 Jun, 2010
right thanks for comments well learning all time, cant wait see your pics daylily
tapped that in loads of differant links thanks so much fractal :o)
21 Jun, 2010
I have put some pictures of a full size garden up, but most are not of my garden.
But you must realise Doddy some of us visit other people s gardens and, only take pictures of the plants on their own.
But there are quite a few like daylily says with quite a lot of pages of photos
22 Jun, 2010
I find it's quite difficult to get a detailed enough picture when i take full views .... you just don't see enough of the important plant details :-(
Hijuju, why don't you take more full length pictures of your own garden, if you didn't get to do an open garden 'in the flesh' why not do a very detailed one on here ?
Also, i think the number of people taking photos of other peoples gardens is the minority - most people photograph their own work and gardens.
22 Jun, 2010
Doddy, if you go to the top of this page and click on the Grows on You logo, this takes you the first web page of this site where everyones photos are there for us all to see and scroll through, under Inspiration for your Garden. Just click on anyone of these for example 'Back Garden Ideas' where you can scroll through and see everyones gardens
22 Jun, 2010
if you look at the many pictures in my album louise you will see my back garden pictures .
Why are people having a go at me for not having my garden open.?
I have had a lot of people on here back me up and lots of support.
The people who critisised about my garden are NOT qualified gardeners.
22 Jun, 2010
Doddy the whole garden pics are often the pics put on when members first join followed by updates such as new plants changes etc. So to get a better idea of members gardens I always start at the beginning of their pics and not at the latest pics.
22 Jun, 2010
I don't know of anyone who's had a go at you for not opening your garden, it's no-one's business but your own and if people 'have' criticised your garden just brush it off :-/
I'll go and see your piccies now :-)
22 Jun, 2010
A quick look in your In box - does not show members having a go at you - that I could see Hijuju ? If you are getting personal mail that is not accepetable the best thing to do is flag it and get it stopped as the guidelines suggest we do?
22 Jun, 2010
im more into the part of the garden like planters,sculptures etc but my blogs quite comprehensivly cover my hole garden including building round my dog run .something that is hardly ever broached on these gardening programs .
22 Jun, 2010
thanks for all your replys most welcome, reading these i hope hijuju is ok? and happy gardening to everyone, all take care :o)
22 Jun, 2010
your welcome.
22 Jun, 2010
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I think a few members on here to have whole pictures Doddy. Have a look at Spritzhenry.
21 Jun, 2010