By Doddy555
United Kingdom
hi dont know weather i can ask this but here goes, as anyone got black bistro set for sale, i live near manchester, worth i try hey ?? :o)
22 Jun, 2010
Have you also tried your local 'Freecycle' Doddy?
22 Jun, 2010
hey steveg1966 good bargain i work for tesco lol,sounds daft but i dont really want to pay a lot , got some much i want for this new hobby of mine, gardening love this site and gardening,,,,,,, drc726 might sound really thick here whats local freecycle???? what am i like ,,,,thanks to both of you for reply happy gardening :o)
22 Jun, 2010
Freecycle is a site you can join where you give or take things that are free. You join your local one and get emails about what is bring offered free that day within your area. Anything from clothes,a cat basket, compost, sheds, paving, plants, fridges and computer stuff. Great Idea I almost furnished a student flat with the things I have given away. Lots of gardening things come up for free! Its a great way of recycling.
22 Jun, 2010
wow thanks drc726 i will have a look at that ,,, take care :o)
23 Jun, 2010
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Have a look on eBay they loads for sale including black at various prices also Tesco direct you can order on line for either home delivery or for a pick up at your local store. We got our gas barbecue from them it should have been £199 but with all the club card coupons and our staff discount and the sale price of 30% off it cost us £69 the bargain of the year.
22 Jun, 2010