By Janmalone
United Kingdom
Can any one tell what this plant is called

11 Oct, 2014
It's fasicularia bicolor, a relative of the pineapple.
11 Oct, 2014
Both right - fasicularia bicolor, which is a Bromeliad.
11 Oct, 2014
And supposedly reasonably hardy.
12 Oct, 2014
Thank you all, been trying to find it on the web for weeks with no luck.
12 Oct, 2014
Very true Owdboggy. Mine has been growing in the garden, sheltered by a tree, for eight years.
12 Oct, 2014
Last week I was reading an article that said it would grow under hedges in the shade. (Written by head gardener at a local stately home)
13 Oct, 2014
No idea....could it be some sort of Bromeliad ? God knows which one...Bilbergia ? Neoregalia ? Guzmania ?
11 Oct, 2014