By Dilewis
United Kingdom
i have been using an old water butt as an extra compost bin and its making quite nice compost now but there is a lot of liquid in the bottom of bin that will come out if I turn tap on can this liquid be used as a feed and if so what dilutions
12 Oct, 2014
You have 'compost tea'. Just dilute it a bit with some water. It will be full of nutrients.
I have a question. How do you plan on accessing the composted waste?
12 Oct, 2014
I was just thinking the same thing!
12 Oct, 2014
my hubby is going to tip the whole thing up on the drive which is why we are thinking about saving the liquid the he will take the bottom off and put it on a spare corner of the garden
thanks for the info
12 Oct, 2014
it may well smell a bit though.
12 Oct, 2014
More than agree with Sbg. The stuff at the bottom of your bin will be a sludgy and stinking mess. I would tip it onto a bit of ground, the veggie patch would be my preference.
12 Oct, 2014
I thought to ratio was one of water in ten parts of compost
liquid. Thats what I would do to be on the safe side.
13 Oct, 2014
I agree db . it doesn't as said even with the bottom cut out seam like a great composter really .
13 Oct, 2014
What you have in the bottom of the bin is leachate not compost tea. It is sour and nasty. The best way to deal with it is to drill holes in the bottom of the bin and then stand it on a ring of bricks so that the leachate can drain away. If you think that you might want to use the bin as a water butt in the future then put a couple of bricks in the bottom with a piece of fine wire mesh over and regularly drain the leachate away.
Just saw that you were planning on cutting off the bottom of the butt so the leachate will, in future, just leach away - which is what it should do.
13 Oct, 2014
thanks all for your comments we will tip it on veg plot in id winter and then use it exactly yhe sae as the copost bin we already have which is stood bottomless at the bottom of the garden(with the fairies)
mayby er on the side of courtion and not use the liquid
14 Oct, 2014
I do believe it can . I would just add a small amount to water and see how it goes .
12 Oct, 2014