By Islandboy
United Kingdom
I cannot remember the name of this shrub I have growing in a tub. It gave one flower last year after 7 years but this year there are hundreds of buds

22 Jun, 2010
New one on me......very pretty though.....
22 Jun, 2010
Looks like Feijoa, something like that. I will have to google it to make sure including the spelling.
22 Jun, 2010
I was right, and my spelling was correct! Dads lap top (house sitting while on holiday) doesn't have auto spell check!!!
Here is some more info Bamboo from Reids Fruit nursery (Incidentally, it's also called a Pineapple Guava).
22 Jun, 2010
...and yes, they are the petals.
22 Jun, 2010
Fejoa sellowiana, is what I thunked.
22 Jun, 2010
The petals are succulent, edible, pineapple flavored, and lightly sweet. As usual, though, be careful what you spray it with, if you are going to eat it! It needs perfect conditions to produce fruit--often easier just to eat the flowers.
22 Jun, 2010
Interesting Tug, I didn't know that!
22 Jun, 2010
How hardy are they though in Britain, I mean? And I thought it was called Acca something or other...
23 Jun, 2010
Many thanks for your kind help everyone, indeed, a font of knowledge resides here.
23 Jun, 2010
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Can I ask if this plant stays outside all year round without protection in the winter? And are those pale whitish pink petals I see at the base of the red stamens? Not sure what I'm seeing from the picture.
22 Jun, 2010