By Mrdumb
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
ive justcut a stem off my daffadils which had a pod at the end in it was 16 black round i assume seeds what do i do with them cos ive never noticed this before ive planted half and left the other half in the pod is this unusual
22 Jun, 2010
The seed does not store well, so agree, sow now. If it is going to grow then it will appear in Spring. They need a period of cold so, leave outside over winter.
22 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Not that unusual. Most large flowered Daffs are hybrids and will have a couple of primary species in their make up and will often happily produce fertile seed. New varieties are produced this way.
Fresh seed is always best so I would so the lot. Not sure if they germinate straight away or next spring. I do know that the seed does not store too well if it dries out so again, so the lot in several trays of loamy slightly gritty compost. Sow just below the surface and water occasionally with a fine rose on your watering can. Leave in cold frame over winter checking that they don't dry out too much and they should germinate in spring.
Might be three-four years before they flower but hey, you might have the next King Alfred!
22 Jun, 2010