South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can i grow luteum in a container
On plant
Rhododendron luteum
22 Jun, 2010
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Rhododendron Luteum (Yellow Azalea, Sweet Pontica Azalea, Deciduous Azalea)
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Rhododendron Luteum (Deciduous Azalea)
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Previous question
Indeed. Ericaceous plants are one of the best groups of shrubs for container growing. They can stand root restriction just about longer than anything! I won't go into the details and reasons for this (unless you ask!!!) but two point that have to be taken into account, All ericaceous plants (acid soil loving plants) need a low ph compost. The other is that they are the most unforgiving of all plants if they dry out too much at the roots. They need regular, thorough watering.
Deciduous Rhodo's such as R. luteum (Azalea pontica as it was formerly known), indeed all members of this genus only flower over a relatively short period of time. They have attractive autumn foliage but thats all. Leafless in winter and just green in summer. The beautiful scented flowers are gorgeous though. Just weigh up your options...
22 Jun, 2010