West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
the tree gets watered every day its not rained . the cherrys are not falling off they are being taken of - some are moved to under the apple tree at the top of the garden aprox 30 foot away and rest put about 5 foot from tree .
23 Jun, 2010
A friend was talking yesterday about squirrel activities in her garden and neighbours. Neighbour has a cherry tree and squirrels bury cherries all over the place.....same as nuts. She saw a squirrel nibbling a cherry then burying the stone in her garden.
23 Jun, 2010
The same thing happens to our cob nut tree, we never get to eat any because the squirrels pinch them so fast and then bury them all round our garden, little b's.
23 Jun, 2010
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squirrels maybe?
23 Jun, 2010