By Valatwell
United Kingdom
I have a very large Savoy Hotel rose, which I'd like to move. Is this a good time and is it likely to have very long roots, which might get damaged when digging up. will it hurt the plant?
16 Oct, 2014
wait until it has lost its leaves and dig it up with as much soil around the roots as you can comfortably lift. then in the same session dig the new hole and pop it straight in. avoid frozen/waterlogged soil as mentioned. Roses come bare root with broken main roots and they come to very little harm this way. Firm the plant in and prune it to reduce wind rock. [usually to half of the final pruning height.
17 Oct, 2014
Thank you both very much, I think I will try it in November if there's no frosts, as I need to move it to the back of the border as it grows too big where it is at the moments. I'll definitely dig the new hole before digging up the rose. Thanks again.
17 Oct, 2014
Hi, if you've had it in the ground for a few years, it will have some fairly large roots, but very few.fine roots, which are what you need to get it re- established, if you want to try moving it, the astime to do it is from november to end of february, but not if the ground is frozen or waterlogged, I think you would be better advised to buy a new plant if this is the case, Derek.
16 Oct, 2014