By Susanbanks
United Kingdom
my buds also do not open i had one flower when i purchase about two weeks ago loads of buds about1.5" long but just drop of the stem
24 Jun, 2010
i have bought a rose with the name china rose, but im told its an hibiscus, it had one large beautiful flower and several buds, the flower died and the buds will not open they just drop off the stem they open up slightly then drop off the stem can anyone advise its an in-door plant
24 Jun, 2010
China rose could be a rose or a Hibiscus, depends what the flower was like when it produced one. If it was trumpet shaped, opening out flat with a protruberant centre, then its Hibiscus, but a photo of the plant would be very useful for ID in order to work out care requirements. If it is Hibiscus rosa sinensis, that is a pot plant, but can be put outside during the summer months (until end of August). Requires frequent watering and sunshine.
24 Jun, 2010
There are many double flowering Hibiscus that do look very much like Roses....which will need high temperatures and much light. Your plant sounds to be an indoor type, and maybe the transition from one location to another has taken it's toll. If the plant looks healthy itself, keep it sighted in the warmest and most light place...feed it with a low phosphorous content feed as a high one will produce many leaves and no flowers. It will need Iron and Magnesium in the feed, which should be given weekly during the summer and never let the compost dry out or keep the pot stood in water. Even in the winter months it will need as much light as possible.
24 Jun, 2010
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sorry guest, don't know what you're referring to - sounds as if you've asked a previous question, but as you're only a guest, it's impossible for us to check back to see what it was.
24 Jun, 2010