By Orac60
United Kingdom
hi out there
we have 3 strawberry plants 2 have given fruit but one only seems to grow the tendrill and no fruit
all are treated the same
any ideas please
24 Jun, 2010
hi ian digs
my strawberries are all new ones
but many thanks for your answer
24 Jun, 2010
Hi I had the Elan variety last year which produced lots of lovely strawberries but no runners. This year howeveron the same plant there are loads of runners and strawberries too. So age must be a factor!
24 Jun, 2010
Many thanks aviva
25 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Hi Orac, are all your plants of the same variety and age? Younger plants (I think) produce fruit and older ones are more likely to produce runners. I only keep my plants for three or four years before changing them!
24 Jun, 2010