By Maz1245
Is there such a thing as a thorn-less climbing rose? My son wants to grow one to disguise a downpipe from a balcony but he has two young children and we all know how sore inquisitive little fingers can get. Would love to be able to find him one.
24 Oct, 2014
Hi, Fentoi beat me to it, I was about to suggest the same rose, it's a bourbon rose with a rich raspbery fragrance, it will flower in partial shade, and will flower continuously all summer, graceful and vigorous, growing to 12ft, and is an ideal rose for a north facing wall, Derek.
24 Oct, 2014
Or Katherine (Kathleen?) Harrop - which is a sport of ZD - paler pink.
24 Oct, 2014
I don't think you should rap children in cotton wool myself and a rose is a perfect way to teach children about what they can and cant touch . id get the one I liked the best and know one will be climbing the drain pipe . your pain ressepters are there to protect you not to just give you pain .
25 Oct, 2014
I was determined to grow Zephirine Drouhin especially as it was the favourite rose of the late Geoffrey Smith, (TV gardener and superintendent of the RHS Harlow Carr). I was advised by one of the professionals at my local garden centre that it was a mildew magnet and sure enough it was. I eventually replaced it with Compassion which has thorns.
26 Oct, 2014
Have a look at the David Austen site - there's a list there of thornless or nearly thornless climbers and ramblers. I'd agree with the mildew problem on Zephirine Drouhin...
26 Oct, 2014
I had a Zeph as well .... but mildew probs rendered it awful, however my daughter had one [only 10 miles away from me] and that did really well. Hers faced South and got tons of sun on it.
Replaced it with Compassion, but that has just been dug out now as well as it did poorly [in a different spot to the Zeph.] Am planting Clematis instead as that seems to do really well in my garden.
26 Oct, 2014
I grew Zephirine Drouhin in my last garden. It is a deep pink climber, thornless and did well for me. I have read that it is susceptible to mildew but I didn't have a problem with that, in fact am thinking of buying one for a fence in this garden. I too have grandchildren - haven't had a problem with thorns hurting them, but they do burst the footballs!
24 Oct, 2014