By Solada
Cheshire, United Kingdom
Can some kind person tell me the name of this is in flower at the moment,so when can I prune it?
Thank you
- 28 Oct, 2014
It is indeed
28 Oct, 2014
It is Viburnum tinus!
28 Oct, 2014
Pruning time for these is May/June.
28 Oct, 2014
They make a nice hedge too. :o)
28 Oct, 2014
Thank you very much for all your I know what it is...has it got a "common"name?
29 Oct, 2014
Just had a look at a webpage on this plant:
It says to prune in I am a bit confused???
29 Oct, 2014
It does not have a 'common name' as such. And pruning is generally done after the flowers have finished, which may be any time from mid-winter to mid spring.
29 Oct, 2014
The main thing is to do it before it starts growing new wood because if you cut that off it won't flower the next winter (which I discovered the hard way...)
29 Oct, 2014
Thank you both.
So can I prune when the flowers have died off even though we are coming up to winter?
3 Nov, 2014
It should continue flowering through the winter. If you do it now you may lose flowers you would have had. better wait until about March. why are you desperate to do it now?
3 Nov, 2014
Thank you.
6 Nov, 2014
Could be Viburnum tinus.
28 Oct, 2014