By Mayfield
United Kingdom
how to get rid of stinging nettles
25 Jun, 2010
Dig them out?
25 Jun, 2010
Aside from the seed heads the tops will make good compost!
25 Jun, 2010
if you are not in a hurry to get the garden sorted out cover them with black polythene after youve chopped the worst can also get some salt from somewear that sells central heating or a plumbing place and spread that heavily to . if your in a hurry then the advice above is right .
25 Jun, 2010
the new shoots you can eat as it goes thow ive never tried.
25 Jun, 2010
You wont be able to grow anything for a while if you put salt in concentration on the soil.
26 Jun, 2010
no like i said if your not in a hurry to regrow even with just the polythene you would have to weight a seasen realy .
26 Jun, 2010
Best not to pollute the soil if possible. As you wil kill all the wee beasties in it too - and not just the ones you don't want!
26 Jun, 2010
it worked for me but you could just use the blackpolythene if you wernt in a hurry.
26 Jun, 2010
you must remove the roots.
25 Jun, 2010