peacock plant flowers shrivel
By Tinytots
United Kingdom
i have 2 peacock plants. they have both produced a white flower. But no sooner they open, the flower shrivels up and goes like a dried flower.
please help
On plant
Calathea makoyana (Peacock Maranta)
25 Jul, 2008
Spritz - I think it's calathea makoyana - does this help?
26 Jul, 2008
Are they too hot or in direct sunlight? (Thanks Andrew)
26 Jul, 2008
no they are not too hot, and are not in direct sunlight.
i have them on pebbles to keep the humidity right.
27 Jul, 2008
I'm not familiar with the name - could you post a photo or tell us the latin name - are they indoor plants or in your garden?
26 Jul, 2008