By Jenko
United Kingdom
Hello, I'm tryign to get hold of a Thuja orientalis Juniperoides but am having no luck. I believe this plant changes colour to a lovely mauve in the autumn/winter and would like to add it to my front garden as an evergreen feature. Can anyone help me locate it or even suggest some nurseries to try as I'm currently hitting a brick wall. Thanks.
26 Jun, 2010
Cracking infomation, Ilex. ;-))
27 Jun, 2010
Many thanks for all the info, I shall do some more digging. Excuse the pun!!
29 Jun, 2010
Hi there,
First off this species has been moved out of Thuja and is now actually Platycladus orientalis. The cultivar 'Juniperoides' is a dwarf bush, rather than a tree or large shrub form, and it does indeed colour well in winter. Unfortunately there is only one nursery currently listing it in the UK:
check the RHS online Plantfinder for full details:
Several Conifer specialists do certainly grow it and have offered it in recent years - it was being offered by 7 nurseries 10 years ago, for instance. I would check the Plantfinder for conifer specialist nurseries and contact them about availability. Having said all that there are also several other similar cultivars of P. orientalis which will be easier to find - 'Meldensis' & 'Sanderi' also 'Rosedalis' which is yellow leafed in summer, turning purple in winter.
26 Jun, 2010