By Natnev
New Zealand
I have a border near where my son plays basketball so anything that I have tried to plant there gets bashed by the ball. It is an area that needs screening from the neighbors too. Any ideas for a hardy plant that can withstand the ball?
3 Nov, 2014
Have you considered cactus?
3 Nov, 2014
with kids ? how about a bear trap lol ?
3 Nov, 2014
Shift the basket ball hoop?
3 Nov, 2014
My first thought was also a spiky plant and a laugh as my children have not played ball near my Agave bed since a ball was impaled on it.
Where in NZ are you? Bamboo would provide screening and not mind the odd ball hitting them. Soft grasses like Miscanthus come to mind.
3 Nov, 2014
great minds botanic lol
3 Nov, 2014
Previous question
bamboo would work well for both but get the clump forming type .
3 Nov, 2014