By Ayjay
North Yorks,
United Kingdom
Help!! I have this 2 year old apple tree that I started growing from a seed, and unfortunatly the wet start to the year the tree has developed a white powdery film on the leaves that smells of mildew.
Any suggestions on how to relieve this problem?
I should add the tree is still in a pot, and I have moved it to the end of the garden where it will get plenty of sun (as long as the rain stays off!!)
26 Jun, 2010
And why did you not ask your parents? Himself suggests you put it somewhere that it will get a lot of air around it - not easy in your garden and I assume the youth would wreak if you put out front. Are all the leaves infected? If not simply remove the ones that are and bin.
More info via Ilex:
Good air flow and increased sunlight will kill the fungi, you should cut out any severely affected leaves/shoots and be careful to disinfect your cutting tool (boiling water works well) otherwise you risk spreading the fungi to other plants.
Mildew is killed by sulphur & you can make a home-made fungicide from crushed garlic - put it in a food processor with some water, add a few drops of vegetable-based soap (for adhesion) and then spray it on all effected leaves.
Bicarbonate of Soda also kills Powdery mildew - 1 teaspoon dissolved in a litre of water, again with the soap for adhesion.
26 Jun, 2010
Thanks, tree is out at the back of the garden by the back fence, so plenty of air around it, will have to get some veg based soap to spray the leaves.
26 Jun, 2010
Good luck lad! If it all goes pear shaped grow another tree!
26 Jun, 2010
would rather it went apple shaped, lol
26 Jun, 2010
Well yes... and come to think of it you are hardly a 'lad' anymore!
27 Jun, 2010
Try a fungicide spray on it.
26 Jun, 2010