By Kasugga
Tyne & Wear,
United Kingdom
Two years ago I bought a gorgeous white Jasmine. Last year there were only a few flowers on it. This year, when the frosts were gone, I put it outside in the yard against a south facing wall and kept it fed and watered. When the chill came I brought it back inside. Now there are quite a few new flower buds and I'm hoping they stay and don't drop off with the cold overnight (it's not the warmest of Victorian houses) and I would love to be able to smell its scent during our gloomy days.
Will I be lucky??
8 Nov, 2014
Thanks for the advice. I think it's the Polyanthes one, I seem to remember that on the label before it blew away (label not the plant. Ha ha)
I think I'll take it over to my Mam's for the winter as she has a nice warm North facing kitchen windowsill where I've managed to keep her orchid alive and flowering since her 90th birthday last year.
Many thanks.
9 Nov, 2014
Hi, do you know which species you have?, there are over 200 species, ranging from tropical plants, needing a min temp of 50 to 55 f through to fully hardy.
The species most commonly sold in garden centres and supermafkets is Jasminum polyanthes, which needs a min temp of 41f, if it is this, keep it in good light, but not direct sun, don't leave it on a window sill overnight, and even in an old victorian house, it shouldn't be any colder than 41, and if the buds have firmed since you took it inside, there is every chance that it will flower for you, Derek.
8 Nov, 2014