By Bradbury48
United Kingdom
My dahlias survive winter in the ground and Iwant to move some of them that are overcrowded. Can I do this after the first frost or so?
Many thanks,
9 Nov, 2014
Hi, welcome to GoY, I agree with Seaburngirl, but remember that the new shoots will come from ' eyes' on the old stems, not from the tubers, so make sure that each division has a piece of the old stem, with at least 1 eye, Derek.
10 Nov, 2014
That's what I do. No need to wait for a frost.
11 Nov, 2014
Yes you can but mak sure you bury them as deep as they were before. Or lift, separate and store them frost free and then replant in the spring once they have re shooted.
9 Nov, 2014