By Tracey290165
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have two gooseberry plants in large pots. They bloomed lovely in the spring but all of a sudden all the leaves have fallen off and there are now just green sprigs/stalks where the leaves were. What have i done or not done?
28 Jun, 2010
they suffer from saw fly and they can strip the leaves off in about 3 days. i had this happen last year and it recovered.
28 Jun, 2010
Thanx guys. Im not ready to give up on the little blighters yet - specially as one has a lone gooseberry near to the top. Will do as you say re the sun Cinders, feed em and keep my fingers xd
29 Jun, 2010
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Same thing happened to mine. Sorry to say it now looks dead. Mine was in a pot, a very large one, but dont think they like it. I moved mine to the ground as soon as I realised what was happening, but dont think it is any good. Fortunately I found one or two little ones growing from the fruit of last year, so am nursing them !!
I would say give it plenty of water and move it away from the sun.
28 Jun, 2010