United Kingdom
I am unsure if the roses are floribunda or bush, as I do not know the difference, I will try to get a photo of them when it stops raining and add this to another email. As for the Fuchia I just plant them, water them, dead head them, and even talk to them, I have put them into pots, straight into the ground and in the wishing well but I have used a plant food once I think it was called gromore, but I lost all my plants after using this, so I guess I did something wrong. Thank you for the reply, and I hope I have given you something to go on!
29 Jun, 2010
A bush rose will generally have only one or two roses at any one time but
a Floribunda will have a profusion of rose head, smaller than the bush rose.
With the fuschias, use a good potting compost (John Innes) and water
sparingly, but often. Avoid feedin the bush until established then use
any plant food using the manufacturers instruction.
29 Jun, 2010
Guest - you really need to refer to your original question so that the members who answered can link this one with it. Why not join us and have a conversation about any gardening issues you have?
29 Jun, 2010