By Chloe01
I hope my corkscrew hazel is okay. I have the same problem with the wilted leaves. I just bought him this spring too. I will give it more water and hope it survives
29 Jun, 2010
As Ladyessex says, the leaves do tend to look droopy, creased and generally rather unwell, as if they're dying of thirst, not particularly attractive when in leaf. Most people plant it somewhere you can see the bare branches in winter, and have other stuff which grows in summer in front and around to cover up the rather unappealing look it has when in leaf.
30 Jun, 2010
Thanks very much for the help! I was worried. He's still in the pot so I will find a place to plant him. I am looking forward to seeing all the changes he will be going through.
30 Jun, 2010
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The leaves are supposed to look wilted and a bit screwed up so don't worry, just wait for the nuts, Ha! Squirals love them, and after the winter months you will get the catkins then when the leaves come back they will look all wilted again, its the way of the shrub/tree.
29 Jun, 2010