By Thefaz
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Hi Everyone
I am a very new to gardening and would appreciate help trying to identify the following two plants.
Photos 2 and 3 is of a shrub which seems to be growing everywhere in my garden.
Thank you for your time
- 29 Jun, 2010
I think no 1 is Centaurea montana, a kind of perennial cornflower, no 2 is hypericum (Rose of Sharon).The flowers look quite small so I don't think it's a named variety.
They're both very vigorous plants. You say you have a lot of the hypericum - if you like it you could get rid of most of it and introduce more variety with other plants. If you don't like it get rid of all of it - it self seeds only too well.
29 Jun, 2010
Both plants are very much loved by our Bees and worth keeping to encourage them.
29 Jun, 2010
Yes, first is Centaurea montanum and the second is Tutsan (Hypericum androsaenum).
29 Jun, 2010
Thanks for the help it is much appreciated.We do want to encourage wildlife so we will keep the majority for the bees.
30 Jun, 2010
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the blue is centaura montana and the shrub is hypericum [St John's Wort]
29 Jun, 2010