By Pierce
United Kingdom
I have planted a Cox's Orange espalier this year on a wall facig south eest.
The left side is growing well but the right side is only showing a very little growth.
How can I increase this growth please. I have been watering well this side
30 Jun, 2010
i have a good idea that could well percievably work but it is just an idea remember though doing what i have in mind wont hurt it just your pocket a little . it sounds like you have it to close to the wall.if you have i would cut a piece of wood a bit longer than the gap between the wall and the trunk . cut a dip in the piece of would trunk shape. the would mite be best about 2" x 1" ish .put the dip or divet end on the trunk and tap it up the wall side gentle forcing the tree out from the the tree gets used to this move the wood down. this could take quite a while but will work . i know this as bonzei growers manipulate the branches on there trees and ive trained an apple tree round my swing quite easaly .just do a little bit at a time .the other thing is buy a mirror even a cheap one and put it behind the tree fixed on the wall giving it light from that side .the only other option is to weight for it to be dorement in winter ie very early spring and move it somewear else . there is a good chance this will work i think the first idea i mean . good luck i hope ive helped bye for now .
30 Jun, 2010