By Sid
United Kingdom
Beech/hornbeam and holly? I am going to order some hedging plants and was wondering about a mixture of one of these two with a proportion of holly mixed in, the idea being I'd end up in winter with a nice bronzy hedge with dark green bits. Would this work though? Has anyone seen this done? Is there likely to be problems with different rates of growth?
23 Nov, 2014
Only thing wrong with Holly is the leaves are very unpleasant to work with, so any border next to the hedge would be painful to weed. Believe me I knows!
23 Nov, 2014
It would look attractive though. Have a look for J.C. van Tol, which is supposed to be thornless.
23 Nov, 2014
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Sounds lovely Sid. I have a couple of hedges with privet, laurel, hawthorne, holly and ivy mixed in and they seem to cope with it. Its known as a tapestry hedge which is a pretty name.
23 Nov, 2014