By Terrna
United Kingdom
Every year quite a number of my tomatoes get blossom end rot. I water them every morning first thing and again during the day if the weather is hot and they start to wilt. It doesn't bear any relationship to the type I grow as it happens to all varieties. Can anyone tell me how I can avoid this, please?
30 Jun, 2010
I sometimes have to Hijuju as the grobags have dried out, I still do get some, I wonder if when its really hot they are unable to draw enough water up to replace what is being lost so I spray overhead and soak wet the leaves and flowers( I think it helps them set as well) but I only do this in hot weather as we have at the moment
30 Jun, 2010
Hijuju is right Pam,never water in the sun.I only water the soil too,and not the foliage,as the hot sun will scorch them..Mine are in pots,and never tried gro bags,as didn't think they would be deep enough.but a lot do use them.I believe there are double gro bags available,or a bottomless pot stood in a grow bag works well...Hope this helps,maybe for another time ?.
30 Jun, 2010
I think we have to do what works best for us-- I've picked-- and pickled over a dozen cucumbers and have some tomatoes turning red so I think it depends on individual situations
1 Jul, 2010
Sorry Pam,I do apologise,as I have just realised I addressed you instead of Terrna,Quite unintentional.Glad to hear yours are all doing well,and as you say,its up to the individual.
1 Jul, 2010
Its OK Bloomer :o))
My greenhouse runs north/south not the usual east/west so the middle of the day is the shadiest and I must admit that they seem to love this weather ( more than me!!!) just hope the don't go into a decline when the weather changes .....
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks Pam....I have ordered the weather to stay nice till all your stuff is ready,....and mine Lol.
1 Jul, 2010
theres a warm wind here today but we badly need rain, just hope it knows when to stop!!!!!
1 Jul, 2010
Same here,it keeps looking as though we are going to get a good downpour,and all we have had,is a few spots,and passed over again.It is so warm and heavy too,Everything is so dry,as we really need the rain now..only done my pots tonight,as living in hope...oh,great,its just started,someone must have heard me...yippee.:o)
1 Jul, 2010
well we didn'g get much here just enough to make it go muggy!!!
2 Jul, 2010
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never ever water your plants during the mid day sun.
Always water 1st thing in the morning and after 6pm
30 Jun, 2010