By Kasugga
Tyne & Wear,
United Kingdom
I'm eating some Napoleon grapes with pips. Can I grow them up here in the north of England?
28 Nov, 2014
Hi Kasugga. There are grape varieties that grow in the north in a sheltered spot. I've seen a beautiful vine growing all over a hotel in Perthshire, so it is possible....South facing of course. Ken Muir website is a good one for fruit advice and shopping. I'm going to try a patio Apricot next year!
29 Nov, 2014
Suggest you as DavidS who has been growing grapes in the UK for 40 years. Type DavidS (the capital S seems to matter). The third entry down on the results should lead you to a ref to his latest blog. Click on that and when you get to the blog click on his avatar and it should take you to his Profile page where there is an oiption to leave a private message. (Unfortuantely his avatar doesn't appear on the first search page) Don't know if he's ever grown them from pips though.
29 Nov, 2014
Hi, grape vines are fully hardy and should be planted outside, the only trouble is that our summers aren't long enough, or sunny enough, to ripen the grapes, for this n the vines are planted outside a greenhouse, and the vine taken inside, so that they have a better chance of ripening.
To grow from seed, plant the seed in containers, in a cold frame, in autumn or spring, they don't need molly coddling, just leave them in the cold frame over winter, and when they're large enough pot them up, grow them on, and then plant them, Derek.
29 Nov, 2014
Wow! So it's possible? Thanks everyone, I'll certainly check out DavidS blog. I have a south facing wall where I put my Jasmine and it thrived. So if we get another summer like we had this year SOMETHING should grow. ??
Thank you everyone.
30 Nov, 2014
Don't count on ripe fruit outdoors where you live though! Best of luck.
30 Nov, 2014
What if the roots are outside and the vine inside?
Would that help? Derekm has said that so it seems reasonable to do that. So a greenhouse which is south facing would certainly help ripen any fruit??
2 Dec, 2014
That's the way to do it, to quote Mr Punch!
2 Dec, 2014
Ha ha ha
I read it punch style anyway. Lol
7 Dec, 2014
mabye in a green house,because where i see most grapes growing is hotter places.
29 Nov, 2014