By Phippsle
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Why do the flowers on my runner beans keep breaking off before they have time to set. They have opened fully and then just snap off at the stem.
1 Jul, 2010
could also be too dry.
1 Jul, 2010
Runner beans like a tremendous amount of water. Also water the whole plant (not just the base) as this aids pollination. Give them a good shower every day after the sun has gone off them.
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks for help but the beans are fairly sheltered and there are loads of insects I have tried planting them in the garden and containers with a good mulch of shredded paper to absorb the water and keep them moist but it is always the same. This year I have tried grow bags and until last week the flowers were fine and then all of a sudden they just snapped off. I will try watering them more often and hope it works.
2 Jul, 2010
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Could they be getting damaged by wind? Or they may just be falling off without being pollinated - do you have insects around that could pollinate?
1 Jul, 2010