By Hoya105
United Kingdom
Working in the south of France I have found a disease affecting bay laurel there. I wondered if anyone knows what it is or if I need to do anything about it. There are reddish-brown patches on the bark - anything from 2-10 inches across, they are edged in silver. There does not seem to be any lesions or other symptoms. Although a few trunks have had a black rot running down inside some of the tree rings. This might be related? Any ideas? thanks,
5 Dec, 2014
Could it be phytophthera? Are the patches flush with the bark or do they look like "mushroom" sort of growth?
5 Dec, 2014
The patches are flush with the bark. I thought maybe a fungal growth or worse phytopthera - but didn't know if bay trees were subject to the ramorum strain - hope not! It could be either as we have had torrential rain here after very hot summer, and it is on top of a hill so very windy too - a lot of strain for plants to live under...!
8 Dec, 2014
a fungal infection may have caused this, not sure what to do or how to cure them. maybe you just have to keep them dry and take off any infected leaves.
5 Dec, 2014