By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
Owboggy the reason I dug them out was to thin them out for next year there isn't much room in that part of the garden cheers
6 Dec, 2014
He has just had a senior moment Moon growe
6 Dec, 2014
Don't we all :)
6 Dec, 2014
Thanks still trying to get the hang of this lol
7 Dec, 2014
Defo a Senior moment haha
7 Dec, 2014
I only wondered why you would need to dig them out. If you have too many then compost them. I often pull out these things out when they begin to out grow their allotted space. We also get a lot of self seeded plants where the birds drop the seeds around the garden.
7 Dec, 2014
Yes I only need a few ill compost the rest cheers
7 Dec, 2014
Dave if this is a reply to your strawberry question then the way to respond is to type your answer in the comment box below the last person's comment.
6 Dec, 2014