United Kingdom
My small garden looks almost desolate but I see here and there, some bulbs showing their green shoots. Such a joy. I do have lots of winter interest - winter honeysuckle, viburnum bodnantese dawn and the fabulous Daphne (which will flower late January). But the green shoots are my favourite. They appear without much care and remind us that life goes on regardless of our personal traumas.
6 Dec, 2014
I like evergreens so my garden is now mainly different coloured Phormiums, Cordylines, Bamboos, Fatsia etc etc. I just bought some Italian Cypress to add some height and more evergreen colour. Problem is squeezing them into place.
7 Dec, 2014
Are you sure that a squirrel has not had your Tulip bulbs Steragram
7 Dec, 2014
Not absolutely but am sure a badger goes through the garden at night. It would be a mighty squirrel with feet that size!
7 Dec, 2014
Or a small elephant?
7 Dec, 2014
I think nature works together, if the animal drops or forgets the bulb in one other place then it will grow there and be spreading out but I think only squirrels do this.
8 Dec, 2014
Badgers certainly do it too - and they make sure they eat the bulbs. They had mine when in flower two years ago - ate the bulbs and left the flowers lying all over the border.
Sadly a tulip would not set itself and grow, much less spread. Perhaps you are thinking of things like acorns, which will grow where squirrels leave them.
8 Dec, 2014
it happens with bulbs as well,a year ago i saw on another website the same problem and the culprits were squirrels.
8 Dec, 2014
Squirrels are little terrors for digging up my bulbs. When I remember where they are in pots, I fix a bit of chicken wire over the top. But mostly I forget. They don't seem to go for the ones I have in the ground.
9 Dec, 2014
Previous question
You are so right. I have a bowl of Iris Reticulata peeping above the compost and some pots of early daffodils. I kept telling them to wait, its too soon, but the recent cold weather should slow them up a bit. I was worried Spring might be over before it started the rate we were going!
I think the wretched badger has dug up a bed of tulips again as there is a little hole scraped over where each one was planted. - its an expensive way to feel them and it isn't as though we ever caught a glimpse of him (or her!)
6 Dec, 2014