By Cestina
South Bohemia,
Czech Republic
Can I move a broom?...(plant :-)) It's three years old and about a metre high and it's in the wrong place. Annoyingly I only need to move it about half a metre, into the corner that was previously occupied by the buddleia that I lost this winter but at the moment it is constricting the vine next to it.
Will it have deep, big roots and when is the best time to move it please?
3 Jul, 2010
Thanks Bamboo, yes, I think September would be safer here. We can get frosts in October already though it does vary. Autumn is almost a non-event here often and we head straight from summer to winter.
Will it have big roots ie will I have to get help from a strong neighbour?
4 Jul, 2010
I've never tried to move one, so not too sure, but if its been in 3 years, it might have, as they such quick growers.
4 Jul, 2010
In Britain, best time to move it would be October, but not sure how quickly it gets cold over there, you might have to do it in September. Basically, when the heat of summer has receded, the soil is moist and the weather is getting colder, but the soil is still warm.
4 Jul, 2010