United Kingdom
I have had blight on my potatoes and all my crop tops where burnt. but I believe that this is from the manure, several of my plot neighbours have had problems with the manure that they used. It was muted that the farmer who delivered it had used some chemical on the grass to erradicate some weeds and it went through the horses and ended up on our allotments, but wether this is the problem I don't know. Thanks very much for your thoughts.
4 Jul, 2010
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Hi Guest the blight will not have been caused by the manure. Cut off all the tops down to the ground and burn or bin' don't compost as the blight spores will survive. It would be extremely unusual for a hay crop to be sprayed to eradicate weeds and no horse owner would feed their horses on hay that had been sprayed. If the manure was not well enough rotted it could have burnt the plants.
4 Jul, 2010