Clematis Korean Beauty
By Janey
I have grown quite a few of these this year and they're about 60cm in height now, though still in pots. There's plenty of growth but no flower buds as yet, I would like to see some this year though. Should I plant them now, mid summer or is it too late do you think?
29 Jul, 2008
Many thanks Owdboggy, is your clematis a Korean Beauty and have you already planted it in the garden?
30 Jul, 2008
Without going and looking I am not sure which one it is. Yes, it was planted in the garden when we bought it, sometime last spring. It flowered quite well last autumn. They seem to be completely deciduous as it died down to nothing in winter, but is has grown quite well again.
30 Jul, 2008
Well, I think I may repot them for now and plant them out when it's a little cooler.
Kind regards
30 Jul, 2008
It depends on how big the pots are and how much time you have to spend on them. In a decent sized pot and with plenty of care they should be ok in their pots until you are ready to plant them out.
My single specimen (wish I could afford some more but they are rather expensive) is about the same height as yours and it too is not yet ready to flower. However, they are not supposed to flower until much later in the year so not to worry about it just yet.
30 Jul, 2008