By Astrantia98
United Kingdom
Has anyone had fake grass put down that has dogs? I've been reading up and some say it's okay and others say there are problems. Just wanted to get peoples views if they've had it put down and what they thought and what they went for? Thanks Joanne
2 Jan, 2015
I agree, would probably cause you more grief than it saved.
3 Jan, 2015
thanks, we only have a small garden which is a problem so I can't separate anything out really. we were due to move and then my job contract was terminated a couple of weeks before christmas so we are having to stay put now. Trying to make the best of what we have and make it more manageable . The garden leads out from the living room so you can imagine what a job it is with kids and dogs with muddy feet trying to get them clean.
3 Jan, 2015
why dont you get a nice bit of hard standing ie slabs etc and have planters .
3 Jan, 2015
Good idea NP. Not as attractive as a lawn (though many people don't like lawns) but could save a lot of grief. And maybe you'll soon find a new contract and will be able to move. Its a horrid thing to happen, especially just before Christmas. You might even find some slabs on Freecycle - worth a try anyway.
3 Jan, 2015
NP has an excellent idea. I was faced with the same conditions right off my patio. I placed a layer of river rock and then set the slabs over that to keep the slabs from settling into the ground too quickly. This kept shoes and puppy paws from picking up mud very well. Actually, my slabs were made out of hard rubber fabricated to look like red paver stone slabs, the advantage being they were light in weight. For some reason the manufacturer decided to discontinue them which was a great disappointment. I think that I have a photo or two of this and I will post them once I find them.
3 Jan, 2015
Not personally, but I have a friend who has 3 small dogs and fake grass, and its not a problem. She makes sure to collect any dog poo as soon as it appears, using the hose briefly on the area afterwards. In long, hot dry spells, it is probably advisable to water the grass with a disinfectant solution, which won't harm the product at all, but usually, because the grass is permeable, rain flushes through and keeps it relatively bacteria free, provided your clean up regime is good.
4 Jan, 2015
I guess it depends f you want to lye on the floor or not .
4 Jan, 2015
That's really good to know Bamboo - it surprised me.
If you do go for it Astrantia do let us know how you go on with it.
4 Jan, 2015
thank you everyone, I will definately let you know how I get on. I've got a garden landscaper coming round to give me some ideas of where to situate things, and some quotes on different things. Will post the end result
11 Jan, 2015
cool your welcome .
11 Jan, 2015
I have my dogs in there own dog run apart from when im with them . I wouldn't have them on grass real or not . the live grass is killed by pee and isn't easy to get poo out of . fake grass ends up getting bio degradable stuff on top , poo is even harder to get out and pee goes through and isn't nice .
3 Jan, 2015