By Fyoosh
United Kingdom
Hello. Sleepless night trying to remember the not-latin name of a particular fuchsia I had in a pot. Fairly sure it begins with F, and has unusual peachy/almost orange flowers. I cannot be sure if it's hardy... German sort of sounding name I think. I'm surprised not to find it in any of my many books, or an easy list online that's not just in latin. Will be so glad if anyone else's memory is jogged! I didn't just dream about it. Thanks x
4 Jan, 2015
Umm... why not use the Latin?
4 Jan, 2015
Fulgens is latin for glittery or shiny but the word does have a german ring to it which is what Fyoosh was looking for. I thought that the name of this particular cultivar would ring a bell for F. Although the plant was named after a 16th century german botanist Leonhardt Fuchs.
4 Jan, 2015
Fuchsia fulgens does spring to mind - it has peachy orange long tubular flowers with a small flare at the end, with quite dark leaves. Very striking plant, but not hardy of course.
As regards the Latin, its only a name, and its the accurate name and means everyone knows exactly which plant you mean, including a plant nursery if you want to buy it. Fuchsia fulgens doesn't have a common name I know of though, but there are lots of fuchsias with non latin sounding names (Fuchsia swingtime, Fuchsia Alice Hoffman and so on).
5 Jan, 2015
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F. fulgens? It's color is a salmon pink.
4 Jan, 2015