By Redjohn
United Kingdom
I have seeds for this plant how do I grow from seed red trefoil
On plant
Trifolium rubens
4 Jan, 2015
They are easy to grow. Follow the advice given by Derek.
welcome to go too.
4 Jan, 2015
Be aware this can be an invasive species, almost impossible to get rid of!
4 Jan, 2015
This is one of the clump forming, upright perennials so non invasive. I grew it easily from seed several years ago and have a small area for it as it's good for the bees.
It's been a beautiful addition to the garden.
5 Jan, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, you can sow the seed now, in a tray with a clear vented cover, and put in a cold frame or cold greenhouse, or you can sow the seed direct where you want them after the last frost, Derek.
4 Jan, 2015