By Annmrogers
I am trying to replace a Mahonia for a friend. She says it is called Ken Vear and is Pink. Maybe there is another shrub , not mahonia called Ken Vear.
10 Jan, 2015
I think Ken Vear is the name of the exhibiter, judjing from the layout of the captions on the other photos.
May I suggest you send the link Bulba gives to and ask for help there.
10 Jan, 2015
I think the photographer is Ken Vear. Otherwise there's a photo of "Stained Glass Virgin and Baby Graham Heys". ?
Steragram beat me to it!
10 Jan, 2015
From the above answers, I agreenew growth on Mahonia japonica can go red with frosts. I wonder if the plant in question is the USA Mahonia, Oregon grape, there is a pink/red variety called Atropurpurea. I wonder if that is the plant is question, Oregon grape Atropurpurea? The green variety is fairly invasive in the UK, so caveat emptor.
10 Jan, 2015
A bit more digging about - ie putting "pink mahonia" in the search engine - unearthed
It's not exactly "pink" but could be an interesting variety. Would look stunning in the snow!
11 Jan, 2015
I have just done a web search and failed to come up with any plant sites mentioning M. Ken Vear but ...... I did find a page from Blackburn Camera Club shoing a competion entry M. Kean Vear exactly as your friend describes, Ann. So, it does exist but I am no wiser as to where to find it!
Actually, I prefer the yellow myself.
10 Jan, 2015