By Whammers
United Kingdom
My runner beans ( approx 60plants) have been flowering for last 2/3 weeks but there are virtually no beans forming. Plants look healthy, plenty of growth ( am now pinching ends), have been well watered as in previous years.
No difference between two varieties or last / this year's seeds
8 Jul, 2010
Possibly lack of pollinators you could use a child's paint brush and do the job yourself to be sure.
8 Jul, 2010
Watering the whole plant (once the sun has gone off them) like a rain shower will help with pollination as well!
8 Jul, 2010
ThanksCammomile, - yes plenty of flowers which have been falling off as normal but leaving no bean" pod"
I think Moon Grower's comments re lack of pollinators is most likely cause - I have not been aware of many bees/wasps in the garden this year.
8 Jul, 2010
Thanks Ian digs v2, unfortunately we now have hosepipe ban so will not be an easy job with watering can specally above headhigh growth.
8 Jul, 2010
What about a pressure spray? One of those that you pump the handle to increase the pressure!
8 Jul, 2010
8 Jul, 2010
Don't spray too hard though or you will knock the flowers off.
9 Jul, 2010
Previous question
Do they have flowers on them? If they do, patience, the ones up at the allotment site I grow mine on, haven't formed beans yet, although mine have because when they were in their seed trays I pinched the centres out as it was too cold to take them out of the greenhouse but they were getting leggy. The result is - dwarf runner beans!
8 Jul, 2010